We’re all staying at home for the foreseeable, and that might be quite a daunting prospect for some. The lack of routine, not seeing your loved ones, home-schooling children and attempting to ‘work from home’ as if everything is normal is a lot of pressure for anyone. Add in a healthy dose of Quarantine Productivity Shaming from your friends and colleagues (‘it’s simply the PERFECT opportunity to remodel your home’, ‘what do you mean you haven’t learned another language yet?’. Back off, Karen…) and it can all get a bit overwhelming. Maybe you don’t need any more things to do at home after all?!Listen to me: It’s OK if you just want to spend some time doing absolutely nothing – we’re in the middle of a global crisis and stressing yourself out by trying to do everything that’s ever been on your to-do list isn’t going to help. Just because you have time doesn’t mean you have the strength right now, so take some time to comfort yourself, get in touch with family and check out my post on Self Care Ideas to do at Home if you need some TLC.
That said, keeping busy is one way that a lot of us choose to cope with stressful times, keeping our minds busy with tasks that ensure we stay relatively sane. With that, here’s a list of things to do at home to keep yourself occupied without any pressure to paint the kitchen/solve world hunger/be the busiest person alive:
1. Get Active

Ok, so you can’t get to your gym or your favourite classes, but you can support your immune system and mental health by moving your body for half an hour a day. There’s more online workouts available than ever before, and most require little to no equipment. Why not see if your PT or local instructors have set up their own classes on Zoom or IGTV, and help support a small business whilst you’re at it? Just don’t make it a chore: if you’re up for a heavy workout, go for it! If not, lower the bar and take yourself for a gentle walk instead. As long as you’re moving, you’ll reap the benefits.
2. Map Out Your Goals
One of the positives of staying at home is that we have more time for reflection. How was your year going before the quarantine? Were you on track for your goals? Perhaps you’ve gained some valuable perspective in the last couple of weeks and those goals have changed. You might want to get crafty and make a vision board to help you map out your life after lockdown, or if you want to be more strategic, pick a goal and make a step-by-step plan for the coming weeks, months and years to help you achieve it!
3. Break a Bad Habit
One of the problems with breaking habits is that we often don’t notice that we’re doing them in the first place. Our daily routine takes over and we lose focus on what it is that we’re trying to change. Solution: try again when you’re not in your normal routine – just like now! Nail biting, slouching, snacking in front of the TV (ok, not that one) can all be tackled now you have the time to dedicate to them.
4. Spring Clean
It doesn’t need to be something as daunting as your closet, garage or loft – it could also be your emails, camera roll or apps. Anything that creates space physically or mentally in your world is going to leave room for relaxation and calm.
5. Rekindle an old hobby

Remember that thing you did when you were younger and had more time, before you had all the responsibilities you have now? The thing that you did just for the pure enjoyment of it? Well, if you’ve got time during quarantine, why not look at how you could incorporate it back into your life? Perhaps it’s a craft like sewing or painting, or maybe you used to love solving puzzles? It’s never too late to remember how to have fun.
6. Or, start a new one!
What have you always wanted to try but haven’t had the time or nerve to? Granted, a lot of hobbies and pastimes are going to require leaving the house and so you might not be able to fully take them up right now, but you can get planning – look up classes, Facebook groups, YouTube videos or purchase any equipment you might need for a start. What matters is that it’s something you want to do.
7. Curate Your Closet

Thank goodness for online shopping. I’m not advocating a gigantic fast-fashion haul, but now is the perfect time to try on all your clothes, throw out what doesn’t work and look to purchase anything that’s missing. Most clothing retailers are still running e-commerce sites with full delivery and returns – see my Zara and Mango and Topshop Haul for some Spring inspiration. Focus on good quality basics in shapes and colours that suit you and add fun accessories to change them up.
8. Learn Something New
Now I know I criticised Karen for her new language mastery, but if learning is your thing, or there’s a topic that you want to know more about – either to help with your career, a hobby or just out of curiosity – then learning can be cathartic – especially when you don’t have the pressure of classes, exams and coursework.
Find online tutorials, download self-help books and look into and sites such as Skillshare and Shaw Academy for beginner courses in iPhone photography, programming and everything else under the sun.
9. Or, share your knowledge!
Perhaps you are an expert in a particular subject and you want to give something back? One great way to do this is by finding a way to pass your skills onto others. What about writing and self-publishing an ebook, creating a YouTube ‘how-to’ video or publishing printable templates for others to use?
10. Start a Garden

The grocery shops are facing panic-buying shortages and it’s got me thinking about growing my own. Albeit whatever I can grow in my windowsill – city living does pose some limitations on me! Whether it’s a window box, a balcony or a vegetable patch in the back garden, gardening can be therapeutic and helps you keep your pantry stocked. If you have children, why not get them involved? Growing something from seed can be educational and rewarding, and it’s a wonderful opportunity to spend time with your little ones. You can easily buy what you need online, use your favourite recipes for ideas on what to grow.
11. Blog!
Blogging, vlogging, TikTok, Pinterest, YouTube, Instagram, Twitter – there’s a whole world of ways to get social and share your story with the world! Click below to check out my platforms for inspiration, and don’t forget to drop me a DM:
Tiktok – Pending!
12. Spa Day
If you have the time, indulge in a whole day of self-care and pampering! DIY facials, mani-pedis, a steam bowl and exfoliation treatments are all perfectly possible at home. Go for wellness vibes with fruit infused water and a healthy salad, or full-on luxury with a glass of fizz and afternoon tea. Bliss!
13. Host a Houseparty!

Pick a date when all of your family and friends can meet online. Send them a theme, snack/drink ideas and create interactive activities for you to do on the call. You can even decorate your living room to match. Lamenting your summer holiday? Why not host a beach-themed night with swimsuits, beach towels on the sofas, BBQ food, Pina Coladas and bingo, or a festival night with beer, chips, karaoke and ‘camping’ (kids will love making indoor tents!).
14. Learn to Cook Your Favourite Takeout Food
Quarantine seems to have divided us into two camps: use it to lose it (weight, that is) and ‘sod it, lets indulge’. If neither of these takes your fancy but you’d still like to treat yourself, have a go at making an at-home version of your favourite carry-out or restaurant meal. Look at Pinterest for recipe ideas and why not share what you come up with in the comments below?
15. Write a ‘post-Quarantine’ Bucket List

All those things you suddenly miss doing because you’re stuck at home? You might not have realised it before, but these are the things that make you happy! Make a note now so that you don’t waste second post-quarantine. Here’s a few things on my list:
· Go to a beach and swim in the sea
· Get a massage and facial
· Go on a hike
· Visit a seafood restaurant
· Go shopping for vintage treasures with my mum
So that’s it! I hope I’ve inspired you to enjoy the time you have – without overwhelming yourself! What will you choose to do over the coming weeks?
Stay safe and stay home lovelies,

P.s. I apologise if your name is Karen. It’s a wonderful name, but someone had to take the hit in order for my wonderful wit and humour to work…